Saturday, December 10, 2011

Yarn Diving

I think the knitting hiatus might be coming to an end. Since the stockings I've been piddling with dishcloth patterns and a pair of socks but not really getting anything done. There have been no deadlines so I've taken advantage of the no stress crafting. Only problem is when I don't have a deadline I seem to think nothing needs to be worked on. On second thought, that really isn't a problem, just nothing new to post!

However, two days ago I suddenly was inspired to knit a teacher gift for Little Guy's teacher: a lovely purple chunky scarf with cables. Yum. She taught in Guam for 6 years, has only just moved back to the states, and has little to no warm clothing. Definite need and inspiration there. I casted on, started knitting away, and it has been bliss. A lovely break, new zest for knitting and knitting projects, and loving the chunky yarn because it means it won't take forever to knit. I'm giving it to her Friday so it needs to knit up quick anyway.Speaking of the knitting break, I spent the time quilting, i.e. cutting out pieces, planning, piecing, quilting, sandwiching (when you stack the layers), quilting some more, cutting binding, binding, some embroidery thrown in somewhere, and finishing. For some reason I decided in the midst of cleaning out Mom's stash, mine needed cleaning out too and stuff used or moved on, operating with a realistic mind set: I can't keep it all and will I really use this? It was exhausting at times but I have several finished, some almost, and some in progress. Hopefully will have those posted soon. Mom and I also did a raffle quilt for the church's Christmas Bazaar that they went nuts over. It was so cute and I'm glad they liked it so much. I'm taking a deep breath and preparing myself for us being asked again. Mom pieces and I quilt and finish it. It uses up more of her stash and we get to try out new patterns. I'll be ready for it again in oh, maybe two years. :) I have a king-size quilt being pieced for Crochet Queen.

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