Oh, happy day. I have found my in-law's chocolate stash and the beautiful thing about it is
they don't eat a lot of chocolate so it is MINE, ALL MINE!!!On a more sane note, or not, considering I'm:
1.) looking at a office supply list that says:
- post-it notes like this one I'm writing on
- letter sized paper
- legal sized paper
- black pens
- black and color printer ink HP 96 & 97
- some 30 wt ball bearings
- a pet monkey
- glittery dance shoes (for the monkey)
(#6 and 7 courtesy of my relocated brother-in-law and #8 my response to his #6 and 7, all this complete with his picture of a monkey with glittery dance shoes)
2.) not only have I NOT started Hubby's sweater or my sweater, I HAVE started a completely different sweater (for me that's short sleeved and is perfect for some wool I bought at Tuesday Morning months ago for no particular reason except I knew I would use it somewhere), AM still working on Marilyn's socks, and HAVE volunteered to make a paper-boy hat (or at least that's what I think they are called) for the aide in SuperGirl's class because she lost hers she had bought at Target.
3.) little me almost took out someone simply for the sake of all good hard-working people in the world when she pulled a hissy fit on me. (There's more to this story but for the sake of the not-so-innocent I'll leave out specifics. She's not related to me, thank heavens. If that was the case I just might have knocked her out.) I have no patience for any prima donna but today I somehow managed to nod my head and leave, sparing everyone the wrath of me (or Kahn, whoever gets the most results).
4.) I have a stack of papers that I cleaned off of Ph-i-l's office desk (at his instruction; I NEVER touch his desk because he organizes according to where it was laid on his desk and dates according to how deep you have to dig to find it; gives me twitches just looking at it) and yet more stacks left at his office due to me having no idea what it is. The stack looking at me I DO know what it is and most of it is stuff I turned into him months ago with the good thought that it would be delivered to the necessary parties involved. Why it was placed in area considered "things brought in that I should look at and do something about but I'm distracted" dated around 6 months ago I don't know. This will make an interesting conversation when he returns from vacation in Washington, D.C. (Did you know there is a Washington Mardi Gras? M-i-l is the one who wanted to go and could because of her job with Bossier City; Ph-i-l plans on taking advantage of the all expense paid bar/hotel/room and visiting the Smithsonian, not necessarily in that order. Or maybe. They both deserve a nice break. He can do whatever he wants.)
5.) I'm still getting a little tense and uncommunicative in the evenings at home. This is a problem because Hubby and I are both acting in a play (play reading but acting it out) Saturday night at LSU-S and we need to practice. This wouldn't be a problem if the characters knitted, weren't getting any sleep from and 1.5 year-old, and had the 1.5 year old mentioned running around being unbearabley cute.
6.) have bought some cotton yarn that was on a wonderful close out sale at Michael's. (Don't worry Mom, I will share.) The only thing is I went to Michael's for drafting tools. How did I get yarn out of that? Don't think about it. It's yarn and it's lovely. And I didn't spend lots to get lots. And everything I buy I do use. Eventually.
I think I'll make it through. I'm also visiting family tomorrow due to a family member unexpectedly passing away (rest in peace, Aunt Dot) and driving my mom there also. I'm thinking of what knitting project to take (socks would be good and small) but that amount of further planning when I don't actually have to think about it is about to make my head explode. More chocolate and organization of these papers. And on to the lovely merino/cashmere sweater that is going to make people spot me a mile away! (I'll post the notes on that later, hopefully with Hubby modeling his socks!)