Life happens so I craft to fool myself into thinking I have some sort of control... Or something like that.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Thoughts on a new day
I'm not sure why I'm thinking like this. Last year was fine. Steady, nothing tragic. This year the kids will be a little bigger and we've already decided our family goals (play more games, watch less t.v., talk more together, spend more time together, etc.) and are already carrying them out. I'm mentally trying to plan what games will be easier to play while knitting but I think Hubby will nix that idea ("You said we need to spend more time together, not time knitting") even though I still maintain that I pay perfectly good attention while knitting. :) Maybe when it's his socks he'll comply...
So have a happy end of 2008 and I wish your 2009 to be fantastic. A fabulous one.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Triangle Wrapping
So anyway, I had been knitting away at LOLA's sock all afternoon yesterday and reached a stopping point due to needing to know how much longer to make the foot. That was fine with me because I was socked out and working with those little Lantern Moon Rosewood #1 Sox Sticks (even though decadent) were making my hands shake. I needed something bigger to work with for a while so I didn't end up snapping something in half. The only other project in progress is the wrap and I wasn't feeling that urge to FINISH-QUICK-RIGHT-NOW and I was relieved because I really want to enjoy that thing. I'm learning so many new and interesting techniques (ways and what happens depending on the pick-up stitch you use, bobbles, mitered squares, a really interesting stretch of triangles done in one piece, garter for texture, how some blocks draw in tighter than others, etc.) and even though some of the blocks seem to go on for a while they don't take FOREVER and I'm really enjoying how I'm now able to notice which will be the right side/wrong side simply by reading the stitches and getting a visual in my mind. That's something I never thought I'd be able to do due to me being so visual. Fabulous experience. Make this wrap again? Not anytime soon but it has really helped me get over my pattern anxiety.
I started on one of the last blocks that isn't attached from the beginning to the wrap-in-progress; it's knitted separate in one piece and joined later. It starts with (1) knit front and back increase, knit to end, (2) knit next row, alternate rows until there are 40 total stitches, making a right triangle. Then, and this really confused me in the beginning but I should learn to trust patterns and the fact that most of the time they do know what they are doing, you start with the first stitch, knit front and back, ssk, turn. Turn? What about the others? I read ahead and noticed there was no reference to separate pieces, in fact it was told to strictly be done in 1 piece at the very beginning, and there was a mention that this would be triangles fitted together to make the long block. But that was about it. I took a deep breath, shut my brain off, and started knitting. They were right. It does make triangles. There are some notes I am going to make where the person could have been a little clearer (one step says "knit back" and it's a little confusing because she means knit only on that row back to the other side, not knit in the back of every stitch, or at least that's what I think and it worked out) but other than that I feel really good about the new thing I learned. So far I have the right triangle and this is making a triangle branch off it's side (think geometry where 2 triangle fit together to make a square and apparently this is what is going to happen repeatedly for this block) and I can't wait to work some more on it. The only problem with that project is it has grown so much it's not small enough to tuck in my purse and work on while sitting in the drive-thru at the bank. That hasn't stopped me before though...
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Tired, very tired
Knitting has been steady since I finished the scarf (and it got cold enough last night to wear it!) with cranking along LOLA's sock. It looks great so far and she's going to come by tomorrow to try it on and make sure everything is how she wants it. I'm thinking I'm going to take a break from the sock and knit the wrap... Oh, and did I mention I found the yarn and pattern for Hubby's sweater? It's lovel and I can't wait to start it. But he wants his socks first...
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Happy Christmas to all...
The 1x1 2x2 scarf is over halfway finished and I'm sad to say the socks are still on the back burner. I should finish the scarf today, wear it this afternoon, and work on the socks tonight. Why? Because I'm proud I'm making something for myself but I'm also a stickler for deadlines and times promised.
LOLA is now engaged and she and the lucky man visited yesterday, complete with fabbity-fab bling-bling ring. The only things brighter were their smiles. We are estatic.
Last night I was blessed with the presence of Snakewoman and her GORGEOUS sweater, pattern showcased in Interweave Knits magazine Fall edition where they show all the things that can be done with 2 different types of yarn. Hers was the fuzzy pink looking one with lace detailing and she did an AMAZING job! Some substitutions in the yarn to make it more economical for her and it is so lovely.
So have a great big happy one, no matter what you're celebrating, as long as you're celebrating something. Me, we need to make sure the Baby Jesus from the kid's nativity scene isn't still rocking it in the Fisher-Price farm with the animals taking residence under Hubby's recliner.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Slight detour...

All I have done this evening is knit this scarf and I am so happy. I'm in happy knitting land. I shall return to LOLA's sock tomorrow once this scarf is finished and the wrap once the socks are finished. My goal is to have this scarf ready to wear tomorrow night at my p-i-l's Christmas Eve party; I think it'll be fun. Plus Snakeman and woman will be there (finally!) and knitting socks during a party might be frowned upon. By non-knitters, that is.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Odds and ends
On a knitting note, nothing new. Still working on LOLA's sock, which she passed inspection on today while we tried to get some sort of work done. Holiday ditzy-ness has hit and no one feels like working. Even my F-i-l is taking off tomorrow and we are still working in his front room. Why? Money. And the stuff isn't waiting on anyone else. And I found out today the lady I inheirited my portion from (with the understanding that she was going to take it back) has now retired. We're giving her two weeks to actually stay retired (she's a hard one to keep out of the office) but in the meantime, I'm not sure what to do with what I have because it wasn't our project in the first place. But I'm not complaining because I'm still earning paychecks and I do enjoy it.
So anyway, back to the knitting, I am planning on continuing with LOLA's sock, hopefully getting through most of the foot tonight so she can try it on tomorrow and let me know how long to make it. It's a lovely self patterning black and white. Perfect for her because she's a very conservative dresser but still fun to be around.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Socks, rejected

I received the socks rejected by Dad and have posted the pictures above. Now I can't imagine why he would be so adamant about not wearing these. They are exploding with personality, not to mention an added bonus of being able to tell who was color-blind. They are still a little big on me but I'm loving wearing them. They are very warm.
Visited with Sock Sis, who is in town, all afternoon. We were at Mom's, knitting away, visiting about everything. I spent the whole time reworking the 3 needle bind-off on the wrap. I spoke too soon yesterday about being able to leave it alone. I looked at it this afternoon and it just was missing that bind-off; it really needed it to be on the right side. So I frogged it and redid it. The bind-off wasn't as nice looking on the right side as it was on the wrong side and I'm not sure why. Maybe the curl of the fabric? Anyway, I'm glad I did it but I'm putting the wrap aside to work on LOLA's socks. I've started the heel...
The Return of the Purple Skrap
Losing control
Anyway, the 3 needle bind off was supposed to be on the Right Side so that it made a nice little accent. It ended up on the wrong side (I did it late at night last night) and I didn't notice until I had woven in all my ends and was admiring my handiwork. Wereas it would have been nice to have that accent, I felt it was not worth it to tear everything out when it looked just fine as it was. No one would notice, or really care. I left it alone and I am proud of myself. Somewhere along my life journey I got it in my mind that things were only nice, straight, and wrinkle free when they are absolutely perfect, done right as the instructions said they would be, no problems, no chaos. Knitting has gently been teaching me in mini-lessons that no, life chooses where it wants to go and we ride it like waves; we can either struggle against it or have a thrilling ride. I've chosen the thrilling ride, even though the inner me still screams and kicks for perfection. Where it still wins at times, it's learning to adjust, adapt, let it go, and simply enjoy things for how they turn out on their own, not what I had in mind in the beginning. A good thing to keep in mind. Heck, I'm trying to raise kids here.
Today I also cleaned some, weeded some, dusted some, and coughed some. I discovered that my least favorite chores in the house aren't laundry and the floors, even though those hang over my head like gallows until I finish them. The least favorite are dusting and cleaning the bathroom and I know this because those two things NEVER get done. We have a bathroom that should have been remodeled ages ago (like 10 years before we moved in) so it has little cracks and crevices that never get clean and I just don't like dusting. Today, it was done. Yippee!! And the weeding was done in the sprinkling rain with the kids playing in the yard behind me. It was 70-something degrees outside. Carpe deim!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Scene from the room
Updates are better late than never...?

As of the knit class that was this evening, I'm finished with the skinny block of cross-stitch stitch and have moved on to a block picked up from the side of it that is stockinette with some half-linen stitch thrown in. It's becoming very long and tangle-y. It's already longer than my coffee table and this evening at the shop I was having to unwind it from me, the chair, and my bag every few rows.
Mom joined the rest of us by getting sick with a head cold (only she didn't have the side of ear infection like my kids, she had the bonus of completely losing her voice) but she still made it to the class. I had run by her house earlier in the day (day off for me with sick Little Guy who was ok as long as I was holding him and we had a visit to the doctor to top that) to drop some stuff off for Little Momma Sock Sis and Mom showed me the progress with her 1st sock. I had helped her the day before with it (heels are funny things) and this time I got to try it on. It wasn't intended for me but I think I might be getting it once she knits the mate because it's too big for her, fits me, and could probably fit Dad but he's not too keen on the colors (the skein name has "Crayola" or "Crayon" in it; very BRIGHT cheerful colors! and lovely stripe/self-patterning waves) especially since we suggested that he could wear them with his sandals. She brought it to the knit class finished and it got the enthusiastic oohs and ahhs.
By the way, guess who wants a sweater now. Hubby. So I'm on a new hunt for him a sweater pattern and yarn. Plain, simple, like his dad's but even plainer in a dark gray or brown. No wool, nothing heavy. I told him it would be ready next year.
Started LOLA's socks and maybe they'll be ready for Christmas. Had to frog Hubby's socks. Didn't like the way the yarn was turning out. It wasn't stretchy or soft enough. Found out tonight that I had one less project to do; the spiral scarf I was going to do for the knit shop somehow was already done by some phantom knitter. The knit shop lady wasn't sure who it was or how it got there but I'm off the hook for one more project. Even though I appreciate the hours I'm glad all my knitting right now is for me. Like LOLA's socks. I told her to expect them by the New Year and I'm already 3" into the leg. I even bought another set of those lovely Lantern Moon Sox Sticks in the same size (#1) so I can do what those other savvy sock knitter do and knit both socks at the same time on different needles. I waited until I found out what sizes I would be using the most and those are the ones I have 2 sets of.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Knitting class night is tomorrow night and I'm looking forward to it. It's such a cozy little shop and it's so nice to sit in the rocking chair, lay everything out or tuck it where I can get to it, make a big cup of tea, and knit. Mom's usually in the chair next to me and she's already told me the sock pattern she's working on (her 1st sock) has gotten her confused so I might have to help her with that. She's at the heel part.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Plus side, I finished another block on my knitting class wrap. It was called "windowpane" something-or-other which meant it was stockinette with seed stitch done in 8x8 stitch squares evenly horizontally and vertically. Completed there were 16 squares. It was really cute but I am glad to be through with it; it seemed to take forever until the last section or two of blocks. Now I've moved on to the next block that has a name like cross-stitch in it. (Pardon my dingy-ness; it's late, trying to get babies to sleep will wear you out, and I've also been reading this great book called Across the Nightingale Floor that is actually tempting me away from knitting) I thought I wouldn't like the stitch because it calls for "purl 2, then purl again in the first stitch", "slip 1, knit 1, psso, but keep the passed slipped stitch on the left needle and knit into the back of it" kind of things. Once I did a few rows I caught on and the pattern looks really neat. It's thick and I would love to try it on a washcloth...
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Shaken, not stirred? No, SQUEEZED!

Hello. Yes, that's me. Yes, those are olives complete with pimentoes. And that is a table around my waist. You can't even see the 2 ft. martini glass balanced on my head. It was SRAC's Christmas in the Sky last night, James Bond "Shaken, Not Stirred" theme, and I was one of the Martini girls that sold raffle tickets for a diamond bracelet. I was in the front where everyone came in so I was one of the first things everyone saw. The men were entranced and not paying attention to a word I was saying, the women either laughed and poked their husbands or stared at me with shock. I just wiggled a little, smiled, and winked.
Needless to say, not much knitting has been going on. I was squeezed (the olives are actually soft), taken pictures of, and told by several women they wished they had some olives. Hubby was one of the James Bond characters wearing a tux sans pants and he said he drew some looks and ticked off a few people with his responses to their question "Where's your pants?" The bartenders made it their duty to get everyone as drunk as possible and the unfortunate casualties were some of the costume characters as the night went on but all in all it was a great night. I did not like my hat; I am a little on the tall side and had to remember to duck under any overhanging. Try doing that when you've downed half a vodka-little-bit-of-cranberry-juice cocktail simply to help a friend out because she didn't want to drink it that strong. In knee-high silver boots.
Now, I'm back to normal and trying to take advantage of my day of rest and knit. I'm also afraid I am getting SuperGirl's cough so I'm dosing up on vitamin C and tea. Comfy couch here I come.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Finishing school
I'm actually working on letting myself sit without scrambling for something to do. The knitting projects aren't squatting on the back of the couch where I sit in the evening, looming over me, singing sweetly about how much there needs to be done, they are across the room on the side table where I store my knitting supplies. I had worked on the Knitting Class wrap for a while last night and found myself wanted to rush through and get it finished. That was not the goal for that project. If anything, that project was one to work on slowly and enjoy, pacing myself while I work on other things. That told me to take a step back and RELAX. That is not an easy concept for me but I'm learning.
Saying all this, Hancock Fabrics is having a fleece sale and you KNOW I am headed up there to get some in order to finish a fleece patchwork quilt I had sewn together YEARS ago (like, when I worked at that store, which was like, college, which means it was like, at least 8 years ago and this has been sitting un-backed in my cedar chest this whole time; I found it the other day looking for something else and it was moved to my stack of "FINISH THIS!!!!") and also buy double fold bias binding to finish the quilt and a Christmas tree skirt (something else I also found that I had bought years ago, never finished, and stuck in with the Christmas with plans of finding it later and having the time somewhere to sew it up; i.e. also in the "FINISH THIS!!!!" stack.)
So maybe a break from knitting and sew instead? Knitting has really helped me appreciate sewing more and love the process, rather than wanted to rush through and wear the clothing. Knitting MAKES you wait for the sweater.
I do enjoy finishing though. I don't know if I've mentioned this but one of my favorite parts of finishing projects is cleaning out the bag the project was living in. This cleaning out and reorganization is done after binding off, weaving in ends, and blocking/washing the project (or at least putting it on the dryer to have this done eventually). It's like cleaning out your school locker at the end of a school year, or your desk when you get a promotion (not fired; here you have upgraded because you have completed something else and are slightly higher on the knitting pole in terms of experience which is always good, no matter how many times you frogged that thing). Everything is gone through, looked at, keep what's still useable, throw away those bits of yarn left over, save the skein wrappers if you need to or it has a neat pattern on the back for future reference, and shake out all pockets, dust the outside, and tuck the bag with the others to wait for something new. You never know what you will find in there. There are always random sets of scissors and pencils in mine, along with that lone pad of post-its I hunted for for 3 days and gave up. There are occasional candy wrappers but I swear they aren't mine. SuperGirl tucks things in Mommy's bags all the time because she knows that way they'll get thrown away eventually and Mommy doesn't like trash on the floor.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Totally tubular

...aaand it's done! Behold The Purple Skrap. It didn't make it to the full 18" (that would make it too long) and I'm not sure how it's going to work as a skirt because this is the small and it's big on me width wise (should I mention this friend is thinner than I am?) but as a wrap/poncho it's great! See the little holes that make it look torn? It's warm and soft but the bind-off at the end ended up not as elastic as I would have liked. The pattern didn't call for a special bind-off so I'll have to hunt for stretchy-er bind-off techniques for things where the end will be around objects that will need to move. Like arms. It hits right at my elbows and since I'm envisioning it on a less curvier person again, it should fit her perfectly, even if it'll be a little tight at the end. I really liked the seed stitch I decided to do at the end; it classed it up nicely. It was a nice bold band of texture with the stockinette.
Sorry about my sweater colors. Harsh contrast to the purple but I didn't feel like changing into something that matched.
I think knitting is really interferring with my bedtime. All I want to do in the evenings is knit but by the time the kids are asleep (and not tempted to "help" Mommy with her projects) I have lunches to make, laundry (how does laundry haunt me so?), dishes, straightening, griping about the idiots across the street, and more... Then, when I sit down and get in the groove it's past 11pm and I'm reminded that even though I can slide this year with waking at 7:05 and still get SuperGirl to school right on time if I'm on my game, next year it won't work. She'll be in kindergarten, there will be a bigger car pool, and I'll need to be strategically placed by 7:40. That means leaving the house by 7:20, NO LATER. That means waking up at 6-6:15 AT LEAST. I wish I could wake up early. I wish I had a Hubby that liked waking up early so we could leisurely eat breakfast and drink coffee together. But no, we are the jump-out-of-bed-into-our-clothes-grab-breakfast-on-the-way-out-the-door people. That doesn't work with kids. Kids work at their own pace. To heck with training them, I need to train us parents. We'll work on that.
It's late. I'm tired. I finished a project that's been sitting on the back of my couch for 3 months. I think I'll celebrate by going to bed.
(P.S. "Totally Tubular" is what this pattern is called in Debbie Stoller's Stitch and Bitch Nation.)
Loose ends...
I dropped off the Happy Socks to the knit shop and she was excited to see them. I even found some yellow to use with the purple for Hubby's LSU socks so that was one more thing off the list. Meanwhile, at the knitting shop, I saw the elementary ed math teacher I had at LSU-S (Snakeman, she asked about you and says hi) and another teacher I had observed for several semesters in college. I almost didn't get out of there in time to dash to Targe' and finish the majority of the rest of my list.
Last night was "Biggest Loser" night (and my least favorite season) and I worked like a maniac on the Purple Skrap. I'm finally through the 15" of stockinette and have 3" of seed stitch to go. What's 3" when you've been doing 15"? That question is for the knitting muse (what did I name her? Harriet?) and hopefully I don't get so excited seeing the finish line that I don't finish. I doubt that will happen but like Snakewoman said, it's slow going at the end.
Monday, December 8, 2008
One down, three to go...

Now on to the Purple Skrap. Finishing the socks, that, and the work deadline this week should push me over the edge for accomplishment. Yes, I know I said the work deadline was last Friday but you know how deadlines are: they might be dead but they don't ever die. But they do eventually move on to torment lawyers that have to look over the papers and actually make a rational judgment on them or at least call the dizzy girls that put it together in the first place and want to know what in the world we were thinking. Whichever, it'll be turned in by Wednesday and I am doing my happy dance early.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
An unlikely pair

What would be neat (if I had the time, this was my yarn, and I didn't have Christmas deadlines) is make however many socks the skein could make and just wear whichever ones I felt like wearing that day. They wouldn't have to match and if one went missing (which I would hunt for like a lost child) I wouldn't have one lonely sock left.
I plan on having this sock finished by Tuesday so I can take them to the knit shop and turn in my time. Next is the Purple Skrap and ONLY the Purple Skrap. December 15th is only a week away...
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Hubby Hat

It's a good, basic, masculine hat. The yarn is simple, soft, yet holds it's own. No frills, apart from the 1.5" ribbing. Everything else is stockinette and the decrease-star doesn't whirl out at every passer-by. Hubby put it on and wasn't sure about the way it looked but that was because of the shape of his head, not my knitting. :) It covers his ears nicely and he's looking forward to running in it, due to it actually being cold here in Louisiana!
The pattern is as follows:
(Keep in mind, Hubby has a big head: 23.5". My gauge was 3 stitches = 1" on #10 needles. Adjust where needed, smaller heads will only be around 20-22 in. around thus needing about 60-63 stitches cast on. Then, of course, there's the issue of being divisible by 4 for the ribbing, so I suggest 60 or 64 stitches cast on for S and M sizes. Markers are placed around every 11-12 stitches when it's time to decrease so hopefully you've had a little experience knitting hats and can finagle your way. If not, comment and I'll write clearer instructions.)
- CO (cast-on using the double-strand/left-handed cast on) 68 stitches. Place marker to indicate beginning of round. Join in round by CO 1 extra stitch, slip to left needle, knit it and the original 1st stitch together, leading into #2 which is...
- Knit 2-purl 2 in 2x2 ribbing all the way around (the knit 2 together is the 1st knit in the knit 2-purl 2 sequence). Do this for 1.5".
- Knit 4" stockinette.
- Place markers every 11-12 stitches (mine went 12, 11, 11, 12, 11, 11 in order to fit in the extra 2 stitches and keep the decrease balanced).
- Round #1- Knit 2 stitches together before every marker; Round #2- Knit all stitches. Repeat these 2 rounds for 8 rounds (or 4 times each).
- Do Round #1 for every round until 5-6 stitches remain (or you just can't stand working with so few stitches on the double points).
- Tie off by cutting yarn, leaving enough to thread through remaining stitches. Pull as tight as you want (big hole or little hole at the top), pull remaining thread on inside of hat, knot or secure it however you like.
- Weave in ends.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Shoulda, coulda, woulda
- Folding laundry. (I've gotten better about that; I'm great at getting it washed, it's the folding part that eludes me and so piles of clothes swamp the bed until Hubby comes in with a desperate look and reminds me that he has nowhere to sleep and hibernating in his underwear was not what he had in mind.)
- Wrapping Christmas presents. (We don't have a convienent extra living room like my parents did when we were growing up where the wrapping could take over. Instead, it's been moved to be stored in my closet and stacked in Little Guy's room. Hubby reminded me that since our Christmas tree is up it would be great to have the presents too, especially since this year we don't have to worry about cats chewing up the tree and unwrapping the presents. I agreed it would be a great idea. Only there are several pairs of self-striping/self-patterning yarn that are singing sooo sweetly to be made into socks and remember: I have a Hubby hat to make. Since he's one of the reasons I need to knit he shouldn't be aggravated that the presents are still in their shopping bags, right? I know they'll be wrapped before Christmas. Plus, I know his present isn't going to be in with them so his ulterior motive is nixed.)
- Finishing the 2 quilts that I have in random stages. (Both tops are done, one is pinned with the backing and the batting and ready to be quilted, the other has the batting and the backing and is waiting to be pinned together. The former is a tumbling star quilt my Mom pieced for a friend of mine who I lost touch with and I finished piecing to make it bigger and the latter is a quilt top Hubby's great aunt had pieced and when she passed away no one in the family knew how to quilt/knit/crochet/craft so I received most of it (hence the random knitting supplies I have, mostly straight needles; I never have to buy straight needles again). The colors are pink and blue (baby style colors bordering on bright country, NOT my style but TOTALLY SuperGirl's) and SuperGirl needs a new bedspread so that's supposed to be for her. Aaaand I haven't quite gotten around to them. I need to. My excuse has been Mom using the quilt frame (PVC rocks!) but I had that quilt frame for several months before she needed it so that isn't justifiable. I also own 2 lap quilt frames so there really isn't any excuse. I was just going to wait for the knitting craze to abate but that isn't happening. Maybe quilt a block before knitting every night? I hate to take disciplinary action on myself, though...)
Something will work out. I can never say I have nothing to do.
The Wrap knitting class is tonight and I'm looking forward to it. I have supper planned for Hubby to cook/take care of and Mom's coming to pick me up. I finished the neverending seed stitch stripe block (one was 3 rows instead of 2 but I was not going to go back and frog it) and started the next block: 40 rows garter stitch. That seems like it would be more boring than the seed stitch but I'm not having to stay aware enough to change any colors so I can nearly turn my mind off and wake up when my 40 tally marks are notched.
I'm at the heel of my sock and am totally entranced even though I can't go any further due to me forgetting that I left the mate at the knit shop. I need to get it tonight in order to make sure I have the same number of rows in each sock. A little voice says that it's a store demo, who's going to care but I would like to know that if anyone decided to wear them they would be wearable. I can't put out mis-matched work, no matter if I've paid for it or not. I've bought mismatched work and it was aggravating. Pay it forward, ya'll.
Terminix guy is here. Gotta go.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Inchworm, inchworm
Anyway, I contribute the success of the class to their perserverance and the internet. Isn't that always the way with teaching? You can show them the way but it takes them driving to get anywhere. They also have my number and email for the Kitchener Stitch, which, by the way, I found out I was doing right, just not keeping my yarn under the two double points as I went in and out of the stitch. Mom went through more of her books, found an even better explanation, and showed me. I'm halfway through the leg on Sock #2 so hopefully I'll be there to practice come the weekend. I also picked up a book on knitting socks toe-up so that'll be fun to work on. The knit shop lady is already talking to me about another class after the new year so we'll see how it goes!
Working on the pattern for Hubby's hat. Started knitting on it with both worsted weight yarns together on a #6 circular (to make it sock tight; he wanted structure and body) and got about 1.5" in the 2x2 ribbing before I showed him and we talked about where to go from there. He:
- liked the yarn but the hat itself wasn't soft enough (too thick)
- didn't want holes, so I'm going to go up to a #8 and see how that goes
- liked the size but could be a little looser (his head is a snug 23" around)
- was ok with 2" of ribbing around the head, rest in stockinette but made sure, absolutely sure that it will fit close to his head. No bubbling up, looseness at the top. But it needs to fit really close and snug.
The yarn is a Bernat, 75% acrylic/25% wool, one skein dark gray, one skein brown. It has a nice cozy fuzzy feeling to it. This is one pattern I am going to post, simply because I can't be the only one with a guy that wants a hat but wants specific things. I'm going to have to measure his head as I knit up and this should be one amazing, custom-fit hat. Also, if I'm going to spend this much time on it, I'm posting that pattern. I've never come up with my own but I read that it's just measuring the body part in question, finding your gauge, and adjusting accordingly. Sounds so simple. So far, my gauge was 5 stitches= 2" (his head being 23-23.5" around) but I needed a number that was divisible by 4 for the 2x2 ribbing so I came up with casting on 60 stitches (better a little looser than way tight; especially for Hubby; he doesn't do tight at all which is a shame because of his wide shoulders and he works out. But I digress...)
We were talking about what to name it. He said "The Monk Hat" but I think "Donning the Monk" is catchier. I'll post it eventually. My projects at night have become a juggling act. They have all hit a boring time:
- the Purple Skrap still has 3" of stockinette on #3 needles to go and there are over 200 st. around. I decided to change the pattern even further (who do I think I am? oh yeah, a bored knitter or at least bored knitter with this project) and do 3" of seed stitch at the bottom, instead of the garter stitch it calls for for 1-2" (might be 3" but I don't think so; I think it was just there to keep it from curling too much)
- 2x2 ribbing on the Sock #2 mate which does go quicker than the first but still isn't as exciting as the heel.
- The Knitting Class Wrap has 14 more rows to go in seed stitch. I trade off colors every 2 rows.
Now that I've tossed the hat in there I just work some on each, waiting until I can't stand it anymore and trade off to another project. Eventually they'll get finished...