...aaand it's done! Behold The Purple Skrap. It didn't make it to the full 18" (that would make it too long) and I'm not sure how it's going to work as a skirt because this is the small and it's big on me width wise (should I mention this friend is thinner than I am?) but as a wrap/poncho it's great! See the little holes that make it look torn? It's warm and soft but the bind-off at the end ended up not as elastic as I would have liked. The pattern didn't call for a special bind-off so I'll have to hunt for stretchy-er bind-off techniques for things where the end will be around objects that will need to move. Like arms. It hits right at my elbows and since I'm envisioning it on a less curvier person again, it should fit her perfectly, even if it'll be a little tight at the end. I really liked the seed stitch I decided to do at the end; it classed it up nicely. It was a nice bold band of texture with the stockinette.
Sorry about my sweater colors. Harsh contrast to the purple but I didn't feel like changing into something that matched.
I think knitting is really interferring with my bedtime. All I want to do in the evenings is knit but by the time the kids are asleep (and not tempted to "help" Mommy with her projects) I have lunches to make, laundry (how does laundry haunt me so?), dishes, straightening, griping about the idiots across the street, and more... Then, when I sit down and get in the groove it's past 11pm and I'm reminded that even though I can slide this year with waking at 7:05 and still get SuperGirl to school right on time if I'm on my game, next year it won't work. She'll be in kindergarten, there will be a bigger car pool, and I'll need to be strategically placed by 7:40. That means leaving the house by 7:20, NO LATER. That means waking up at 6-6:15 AT LEAST. I wish I could wake up early. I wish I had a Hubby that liked waking up early so we could leisurely eat breakfast and drink coffee together. But no, we are the jump-out-of-bed-into-our-clothes-grab-breakfast-on-the-way-out-the-door people. That doesn't work with kids. Kids work at their own pace. To heck with training them, I need to train us parents. We'll work on that.
It's late. I'm tired. I finished a project that's been sitting on the back of my couch for 3 months. I think I'll celebrate by going to bed.
(P.S. "Totally Tubular" is what this pattern is called in Debbie Stoller's Stitch and Bitch Nation.)
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