I would love to tell you tons of stuff. I'd love to write about all these socks I've decided to start and how I am slowly finishing them. They aren't all that innovative, they are for a charity event, and they are cleaning out the lessor wanted skeins from my stash so I am grateful. I'm in a down-sizing, keeping only what matters mood. Hence, there is a huge stack of odds-and-ends to take to Goodwill in a corner of Little Guy's bedroom. Will haul that away soon... I hope.
I'd love to tell you about Hubby's recovery from his shoulder surgery. Everything's fine, just needs time to let it heal, as in at least 4 weeks before even thinking about therapy. Good news for him, he gets out of doing yard work for 6 weeks, possibly rest of the yard-working season. News for me, I get to mow on Saturday mornings.
I'd love to update you about my job. There's nothing going on. Which should mean tons of knitting time but somehow that is not developing. I have to drive Hubby everywhere so that means extra outings with sprogs in tow (including getting him to work at 7:30 am... ouch) and taking care of all these little nit-piddley errands that have developed. I had to go to the DMV yesterday and sit for 40 minutes before they called me to straighten out the fact that I no longer have the lease car I traded in several months ago, etc.etc.etc. Joy of all joys. SuperGirl was sitting very patiently with me and Little Guy was asleep on my shoulder for about 20 minutes when she looked at me, sighed, and said "This is not fun at all." I agreed.
I've been eyeing some sewing projects but haven't started them. I haven't taken any pictures of anything. I have been really tired and unmotivated. The good thing is my errands seen to be waning for the moment and hopefully this weekend is relaxing and full of lovely knitting. One can always hope. I'll settle for on the boring side with a little bit of work and tons of Joan Hickson being Miss Marple. Tried to watch the newest Masterpiece Mystery Miss Marple and couldn't get past 5 minutes. Acting was crap. I'm spoiled.
1 comment:
Once I saw Joan Hickson play the role, nobody else could ever be Miss Marple. Same with Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes, or John Thaw as Inspector Morse, or Roy Marsden as Adam Dalgleish. Those casting agent(s) should be knighted by the Queen.
Early rising, lots of random errands, extra yardwork, husband's surgery, lots of recent family upheaval, terrible twos possibly approaching... I would be shocked if you weren't really tired. I think that's totally normal. As the shoulder improves and Supergirl gets into the rhythm of school, I think you'll be able to make some time for well-earned rest. Meanwhile, it's fine and dandy if some things just don't get done. It just proves that you value your sanity, and the sanity of your family.
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