Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday, Monday

What is it with folding laundry being paired with 70's game show reruns? "Match Game" was on this morning and, speaking of that, who the heck was Venus DeMilo?

Did I mention that I had put off the previously discussed paperwork a whole year? I had thought it was just 8 months. Never again. This is way too stressful. I start again with my 15 minute intervals at 0:900 hours.

Hubby's closet decided it needed to be cleaned out yesterday. It convinced us under the disguise of us trying to find the satellite radio. The satellite radio (last seen when we traded in the old car for the current car) was not found but now I have a house where every nook and cranny has been cleaned out/gone through and dealt with within the last 6 months. Hubby's closet is clean and has more room than our bedroom and everything to donate is having a party in (where else?) the dining room with my paperwork.

The kids are home and it is 9:00. Time to start. I also have a stripey Noro Silk Garden scarf calling my name (the 3rd I've knitted so far; they are so pret-tee!) waiting patiently for those 15 minutes off.

Ready, steady...go!


Liz Shively said...

I'm glad the timer trick is helping! Your blog is encouraging me to do the same with our growing pile of papers next to the filing cabinet.

Post photos of the rainbow socks when done--I'll be eager to see them!

suzylee28 said...

Yes! Thank you, thank you! Now everything is ready to be filed. OF course, that means I have to purge the files too to have room there but we are on the home stretch and I've been preaching the 15 minute timer to anyone who will listen. Good luck with yours!

I've taken pictures of the socks but am seriously considering having SuperGirl model them. When she saw them drying on the dryer she immediately put them on and came running through the dining room with them. They've turned out so nice and soft. The yarn made a stronger sock than I thought also. I'm going to wear them today to start getting the info on how they are long term.