Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Little Guy is now running the fever and I'm having lapses in knitting creativity. That's actually a good thing because I have projects I just need to finish, not be creative about. I just don't feel like doing much of anything. The holidays are zooming up and where as we don't have many plans to work around, all I want to do in the evenings is sit. Only sit. Not knit. I've still pulled it out and plugged away at what I could (some is better than none) and I hope this to will pass and I'll feel a little more inspired.

Knitting class night is tomorrow night and I'm looking forward to it. It's such a cozy little shop and it's so nice to sit in the rocking chair, lay everything out or tuck it where I can get to it, make a big cup of tea, and knit. Mom's usually in the chair next to me and she's already told me the sock pattern she's working on (her 1st sock) has gotten her confused so I might have to help her with that. She's at the heel part.

1 comment:

Liz Shively said...

I love just sitting! It's one of my hobbies. After spending the day juggling the demands of students, parents, and colleagues, I often go deeper into my hobby and just lie down. I can't nap--not one of my talents--but it's good to let the flurry of thoughts and impressions slow its hurricane pace and settle into mellow waves. Not that I think things over or plan or organize--the point is simply to be there, still, and let the day's flotsam and jetsam sort itself out on its own. When it's ready, mental energy returns.

The sweater pieces are knit! After weaving in the last of the loose ends, I should be ready to start putting the pieces together this weekend. That part intimidates me a bit because, unlike you, I don't sew. It helps to think of "weaving" the seams instead of sewing.