Hubby walked outside to go to work and said "There's a tree down." Thank heavens it wasn't on our property but it was across the street in the driveway where the thugs used to be squatting. They are now gone and a lovely family has moved in with 2 dogs that talk to us every time we walk across the street and a huge white exotic bird that sits in the front window, fascinated by the passers-by (i.e. mainly us). Ph-i-l got out there with the husband with his saw and clippers and I helped the wife by getting the smaller stuff and we got it cleared fairly quickly.
The wristlets were finished last night and I am washing them. They ended up a tad small for me but I think the washing and drying will relax the acrylic enough it won't be an irritation. Did you know acrylic "relaxes"? I didn't. I read it somewhere where someone was writing about it. They said never to dry acrylic in the dryer because it loses it's structure. I love drying acrylic in the dryer because that's when it gets soft and pliant enough, especially for baby blankets.
Anyway, once I wash them I'll get a picture posted. My goal for today is work on Marilyn's socks...
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