Dear Facebook (and MySpace, if you consort with that also):
I dearly love the way you help me keep in touch with my friends and family. It's entertaining. It's also nice to connect with people that I have not seen in ages and those that I only just met. You provide so many opportunities for everyone to express themselves, create awareness for causes, and be as active (or inactive) as they want.
I do have one issue, though. There are some people that I chose not to be friends with anymore years ago for a very good reason, whether that former friends acknowledges it or not. It is rather uncomfortable when these people suddenly (after years and years of blissful separation) get in touch. There are also people I stopped dating for several good reasons (will not go into details here) and it can be more uncomfortable when these people somehow find me and I have to dig into my memory to recall who they were and why did I shudder at that name. Why are they looking for me? I don't know. At least it amused my husband until the same thing was happening to him.
I have no problem selecting "Ignore" for the requests. I do have a problem with having to deal with it in the first place. I'm not totally blaming you. You provide so many more positive aspects than negative to your function and for that I will accept the way things are and move on. I simply had to get this off my chest in the name of communication.
Suzylee28 (who will not put her maiden name, just in case; those who need me know where to find me!)
While I don't have ex-girlfriends trying to stalk me, I have a different problem: getting reacquainted with people from 10-15 years ago, only to discover that we REALLY REALLY don't have anything in common anymore; maybe one party wishes they hadn't sent/accepted that "friend" request; maybe we're even quite opposed to each other.
The problem is that there isn't a way to "de-friend" someone without it being very awkward.
I think that's the reason why I only send friend requests if I know the person really well right now. It's nice to get one from someone I know casually, but I make them make the first move. Those have been mainly church members around my age but even then it's been a little awkward when I really don't know them all that well but I don't want to offend anyone, especially since I might be on a committee with them sometime in the future!
I had to finally "de-friend" one of those that I haven't seen since high school (didn't really care for her then and really didn't want her updates now). Apparently Facebook will do it and they won't be notified.
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