Monday, October 12, 2009

I thunk a thought...

This is from the Yarn Harlot's Page-a-Day calendar, 9-27-09:

"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not.... Genius will not.... Education will not.... Persistence and determination are omnipotent."
- Calvin Coolidge

Of course in all things this doesn't ring true but right now it's a nice thought to me while not feeling too hot, kids are sick, it's raining, brain isn't working, and I still have things to get done.

Right now I'm going through my bi-yearly clean out phase where I go through all our clothes, linens, cookingware, etc. I have my little donation piles and they are starting to overwhelm Little Guy's room so I know I need to do a quick haul sometime soon.

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