Monday, December 7, 2009

Dear Deadline,

I see you there and I'm working on it. You're being very patient and I thank you. I don't wish you to go away because you are serving a purpose: you are reminding me that there is something I need to be doing even though the housework piles up. It's nice to have this to do. It makes me sit down, watch movies, and relax. However, I have a hard time relaxing when I realize that there is only TWO AND A HALF WEEKS LEFT BEFORE CHRISTMAS.

I would say "Never again will I decide to knit/sew something for half the family in the name of frugality (is that a word?) when I really just wanted an excuse to make everyone something" except I'm pretty sure I'll eat those words next year, just like I'm eating the words "6 pairs of socks in a month? Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezey."


Dr. Bill said...

Ask Snakewoman about the last seven days of knitting her baby blanket.

suzylee28 said...

Ooh Snakewoman! Prithee, do tell!

Liz Shively said...

Blisters! Boredom! Rounds of endless knitting alternating with rounds of endless purling! At times I swore I'd never knit another thing again. I did go back to knitting a few days after the blanket was all done, but I've sworn off racing to deadlines. Just took all the joy out of it for me. I'll still give handknit (and painted) gifts from time to time, but they'll come when they come, not when the calendar says they should. For some people, deadlines keep them focused and motivated; for me, they take away the wonder and delight.