This is the sweater so far. One sleeve is finished but not sewn to the body and the other is nearly finished. I decided not to do the sleeves as long as the pattern was calling for (5") because I don't like long short sleeves (did that make sense to you?) and this "sweater" is going to be warmish enough. However, I didn't weave anything in or finish off the BO on the sleeve just in case I finish everything, put it on, and say "Hmm... I should have made the sleeves longer." I would rather make the sleeves longer after I try it on and get a good idea how it's going to fit. I'm hoping this one does fit. It would be nice to wear. It also will be interesting to see how it looks worn and hopefully the color changes hit at flattering parts of the body, not the areas everyone wants to hide.
Note the green stripe at the bottom. That will continue eventually to be around hip length. I had stopped working on that part to focus on the sleeves when the green skein ran out. Plus having all 3 strands of working yarn twisting around (and I don't want to trouble with bobbins) was getting a little hairy.
Have not started on the chenielle (sp?) hat yet. I'm just a little strained at the moment and I think that would put me officially on the crazy train. I'm waiting for Harriet to come down one evening and touch me with the sudden inspiration to knit it all in one night. That would be nice. And it would clean out one more of the project bags stacked next to my yarn drawer bin in the bedroom.
Speaking of project bags, my drive at the moment is actually more on the sewing side. I'm really wanting to use some of the fabric I have had hanging around for years and make one into nice big hobo bag (reversible with a big pocket on the outside and inside; both prints are "tres francais" as in one is Monet water lilies and the other is a Paris cafe scene) and a more classy, sophisticated tote (a big red and white tropical flower print with white lining). The hobo bag is for me to use everyday to replace the hobo bag I've been using as my purse/diaper bag/work carry-all/Mary Poppins-magical-carpet-bag-of-wonders-that-can-carry-everything-and-anyone-who-has-decided-to-come-along-for-the-ride-as-long-as-it's-not-too-heavy. It's great but cheap ($5 deal at Target) and I have two of them, one with a huge highlighter stain (that, hah, the top came off in my bag and not only did it stain the bag, it bled on my M-i-ls curtains; explain that one) and faded drastically with the 1st wash, and the other is already showing dirt (it's lighter in color but still cute). I would love to have one around the same size but in the nicer fabric so it will last longer, or at least until I don't have one in diapers and I am still having to haul around physically. The tote would be a place for me to keep my knitting class stuff (extra copies of patterns, phone #s, etc.). I'm sure I could go find something at the store to buy but they never last with how I use them and everything is the wrong shape right now. Trends are not jiving with me at the moment, plus I would really like to use my fabric.
I've printed out some pattern ideas for me to read and form my plan of attack. We'll see what happens...
Good look finishing your sweater! It's looking great so far!
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Thanks! I'll remember it.
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