I started the pattern blind, obviously, creating something new and mysterious to wipe my counters with and also trying this out to see if it would make a great lacey scarf for that mercerized cotton I have. I knew that I had 2 skeins of yarn to use and somehow I would get the deminsions I wanted. Soon I found out (now that I have a tiny scrap of knowledge knitting lace) that the problem I had a year ago in the beginning was a major typo in the directions: where they say "yfwd" it is SUPPOSED to say "yo." Kinda important. I knitted awhile, proud of myself for figuring that out, and then looked at the progress and wondered where the "feather" and the "fan" was going to show up. I figured out the 3 row repeat they said was 6 rows is really 3 rows repeated twice where one set of 3 rows you see the knit side of stockinette and the other set of 3 is the purl side of stockinette (did you get that?) but no fancy feather and fanning. I decided there must be a row missing somewhere but kept knitting because, again, this WAS only a dishcloth and it really wouldn't matter, even if it ended up triangle shaped if the k2tog and yo didn't match up. That's when I noticed that the yo-s and k2tog-s made a ripple pattern. I have only crocheted ripples, never knitted them, and once that started happening (about 4 inches into the project) the pattern really showed up lovely. It was a nice surprise and a great one for a rectangular dishcloth to use in the kitchen. 2 50 oz. skeins will make the perfect size and this is a great project for anyone wanting to start lace and ripples.
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