Monday, March 30, 2009

Pots on the stove

I found an article in the newest "Yarn Forward" magazine that was inspirational, but I'm not sure how good it is advice-wise for just anyone. For those of you who pain-stakingly finish one project after another and will not start a new project until the other(s) are finished, this might be liberating advice. For those of you who never finish anything you start and are always getting new and wonderful ideas that only live 2.3 hours long, this might not be good advice for you. I leave it up to you to decide who's who and what advice to take! :)

The article was basically a "Here's to..." for starting new projects, regardless of what you already have started.Of course there's a timeline to be considered for those things being knit that are being made for pleasure and those that actually have to be finished sometime in the next month (the author put it in an idea of the projects having lifespans of either a car race or a leisurely stroll) and those lines will cross each other and priorities will need to be assigned. Always keep in mind that a project doesn't to be rushed through just to be finished if it doesn't have to be. Also be open for new project ideas and start them as the inspiration hits. It'll all be finished in due time and sometimes the fun of knitting is having options on what to knit.

That being said, I have started yet another project. This makes #4 and I am excited about it because it gives me something to blog about other than that darn chenille hat (#1) that I am ignoring at the moment. I know I will feel better once it is finished but I'm not to reconciliation point yet. #2 and #3 are presents for LMSS and since she reads this, I can't talk about them. (even though I heard via email from Snakewoman she'd love to hear about them on the side; will write you soon!) They are both started, one I'm already having questions about, and the other is going to be quite the haul, but both will be fabulous once they are finished.

But back to #4. It is a free pattern off the internet that I saw a lady in the knitting shop wearing while I was teaching the hat class. It's called "Shalom Cardigan" and it looks lovely. I'm knitting it in a teal blue acrylic/wool:

I'm thinking 3 buttons in front rather than one (that's what the lady in the knit shop had done and it looked great) and I can't wait to see how it goes!

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