Monday, April 27, 2009

#2 Revealed: Elizabeth Zimmermann's SBJ (Surprise Baby Jacket)

And here it is: the Surprise Knitting Project #2 that is for LMSS's incubating darling (2 months to go!) who wouldn't roll around for me but did kick her mommy's innards several times during our visit. I can finally post these pictures (up till now Snakewoman was the only one in the know through email) because LMSS received the sweater last weekend. It was one of the many reasons for seeing her, along with bringing her our old baby furniture and little girl clothing. I also brought the Class Wrap knitted by Mom that was also for LMSS. This is knitted in the same yarn that Mom's Class Wrap was knitted in, only the Class Wrap was mainly in the ecru yarn with the purple accenting.

I regret not having a picture of what it looks like while being knitted; Stephanie Pearl-McPhee was right in it looking like a flat sting-ray. It's just this misshapen lumpy mass that won't lie flat and even when you try to fold it into place you are half not-believing that it's done right. It was very interesting to knit because of the way Elizabeth Zimmermann wrote the pattern and how, as you knit, it doesn't look like anything remotely resembling a sweater or even parts of a sweater. I found some very helpful sites by googling "Elizabeth Zimmermann's Surprise Baby Jacket", along with one lady who has the whole thing written out row by row what to do. Elizabeth Zimmermann really makes you look at your knitting and think about what you are doing. By doing this I am in even deeper awe of EZ and what she knew about knitting.

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