Little Guy just got in my lap and stuck out his tongue. It is yellow. Why is it yellow? I don't think I want to know.
On this Good Friday I am still working in the morning because Hubby is not off and since I am only contract work, I don't get paid for the days I don't report. Money needs making so I am working. Ph-i-l, however, is not working and yesterday asked me nicely not to came prancing through the house before at least 8:30 a.m. because he fully intends on sleeping in. I assured him I would not be out of my house and in his before 9:30, especially since not only will he be trying to sleep in, so will my brother-in-law and m-i-l (not sleeping, but most definitely doing housework).
Fast forward to this morning. Little Guy had me up at 6:30 a.m. (normally I'm stumbling out of bed at 7:05 and he's not up until 7:40) and it is 8:43 and I am wondering what to do with myself since I can't go in to work yet. Fold towels?
I worked some more on the Shalom Cardigan last night and this morning. I think this one might actually fit me right, tight enough where I want it but still roomy enough to move around. It's fun to knit; there are lots of ptbl (purl through the back loop) and ktbl (knit through the back loop) that I thought would drive me crazy but they aren't too bad. Purling through the back loop while knitting continental can be tricky, especially if you're trying to make sure your stitch doesn't twist. The last time I had to ptbl it was with that Class Wrap and it was done while making a ruffle. That was hard and I'm not going to willingly try that again. But with this, when done in a rib pattern the ptbl and ktbl makes almost a braid look. It's what gives the texture on the collar (yoke?) out to the sleeve. There are 3 tiers of it, with increasing the # of stitches each tier. I'm on the 3rd. After this one I will BO the sts for the armholes and continue in stockinette with a garter border for the body of the cardigan. Depending on how much (or little!) I have to do this weekend it is feasible to finish by Monday. I'm not holding my breath but that would be a nice little present for myself.
It's nice working on a project that uses chunky yarn; it finishes before you know it. I'm so used to the sock yarn and the finer sport-weight yarns that take a while; to keep yourself sane while knitting the 8 sts = 1" gauge you prepare your brain for weeks spent on the project, even if it's a little bit of something. When it's finished you look back on the tender, delicate handiwork and marvel that you did that with your own hands. With the bigger gauge projects, I find my mind is still prepared to take forever with it, but then it's suddenly finished (after only a week or two!) and I'm looking at the solid, secure handiwork and still marvelling that I did that with my own hands!
Makes me think of your US #1 needle tank top, Snakewoman. Here's to creativity, persistance, and time off to utilize those virtues!
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