I never thought knitting would have helped prepare me for gardening but it has. I have forearm muscles I never knew were there before and they came in handy yesterday. I have these gardenias in my front flower bed that are unhappy and UGG-LEE to say the very least and I am feeling so fabulous I totally redid the whole bed. I got out there with my hose, Ph-i-l's old jeans, a shovel, and had all the neighbors wondering what in the world I was up to. They were impressed once it was all said and done. It was great. And I even did it with no Hubby (he was at a wine tasting but I do have to say he did spend a nightmerish Saturday morning at Lowe's with the rest of Shreveport's population getting soil, mulch, and sand for me) and with 4 kids running around (cousins were over for me to baby-sit) and I DID IT!!! Now there are lovely happy plants with no mean-y weeds and I even did the rest of the front and the sides too.
Now the backyard... That one is going to take a full weekend in itself.
Pictures to come soon. This is a momentous occasion!
I have been knitting, meanwhile, even though in tackling the garden it nearly won and I am VERY SORE. The secret project #2 is 5 rows away from being finished and I will post it once LMSS receives it. It turned out great!
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