Isn't it great? And you can barely see the ashy marks the gardenias had left on the siding (right side of the steps). I scrubbed and scrubbed trying to get it off. The small bushes in between the orange pots (which hold Meme's original plants, still here and ready for spring) are Indian something-or-other (shouldn't I remember that? maybe Hawthorne) and have little white and pink flowers, the flowers in front of them are Gerber daises (in honor of SuperGirl), and the bushes on either side of the steps are camillias (gorgeous in Jan/Feb). The azaleas, alas, aren't as pretty as they were 2 weeks ago but you can still see one of them blooming. That is LMSS's big fat bird on my steps (happy as always) and I couldn't resist taking pictures of SuperGirl's swinging turtle (those purple plants are also Meme's, happy and ready for Spring; isn't it great a part of her still lives on?). Yesterday morning we watered everything again and I buried 2 cans of cheap beer to dissuade the slugs from eating SuperGirl's daisies. We have some big ones and where I don't like killing nature, these are abnormally huge and healthy (I suspect they are the ones stealing the cat's food) and I would like my flowers to survive the season.
The trellis at the far right will have vining pink flowers (don't remember the name) and the potted plants on the porch are in honor of my M-i-l who loves those mixed flower-y pots and always has really nice ones. The green plant at the top is citrenella, dissuading the Louisiana state bird: the mosquito (just kidding, I know the state bird. Dodo, right? Heehee... and the brown pelicans and my elementary school teachers are screaming right now...) and I even included SuperGirl's big happy family picture for Hunky Hubby.
Life is grand. Yes, Hubby is a big baseball fan. I wanted to get the one that said "The [insert last name here]: putting the "fun" in "dysfunctional" " but we aren't dysfunctional and I sometime have people I work with coming by the house that wouldn't understand.
I'm finally not as sore as I was. I also have so much energy I have plans for the backyard too. Herb garden. I can taste it now...
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