(They Might Be Giants puts out excellent kid's music, by the way, hence the blog title)
Just a quick post because I really should be working. Yes, I should. And I'm not. But I promise I will soon. Once I piddle around some more...
Above is the other surprise project that I had going. LMSS knows about it now so I can finally show it! It is totally punting me out of my comfort zone because (1) I'm having to switch colors between the cables and the lace and (2) do cables. Thank heavens it's a simple cable: K8B, which means put 4 sts on a cable needle (or double point needle, which I prefer) put it to the back of where you are working, knit the next 4 sts, and then knit the 4 stitches off the double point. The top picture shows how the pattern is developing and the bottom picture shows my minor freak-out with wondering how I was going to manage all the strings. I'm doing the tip I read somewhere from Stephanie Pearl-McPhee about instead of carrying the yarn on bobbins or leaving it connected to the skein you cut it in yard lengths at a time so when things get tangled you just pull it free. Nothing to snag. More ends to weave in but to me it's a fair trade-off. I cut my yarn in around 2 yard strands and it's working fine so far, only it looks like I'm knitting with a Muppet wig.
I am actually knitting the chenille hat AND NOT HATING IT!!! I'm glad I gave myself this weekend to not stress over it (and I have 2 cute little dishcloths, too!) and it is my goal to finish this week. The seed stitch looks great and my only complaint is how the chenille bulks and grabs at everything. I'm using Addi Turbos so that eases it a little. I've worked 4" in seed stitch and am developing how to do the decrease. I'm supposed to have the top a little pointy-er than normal so we'll see how this goes. After that is the ear flaps, then the white furry bit on the front. Wish me luck! I'll get pictures up soon!
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