Monday, October 20, 2008

Bits and pieces...

Ok, I am tired. I am now officially too tired to knit. Especially since I am trying to refigure where these decreases are supposed to go, they aren't working, my brain is begging for mercy, and it is all driving me a little insane. It should be easy, right? Decrease just here. Trust that the stitch marker is all that needed to be changed and move along. Don't worry that it will look just like it did before. Don't change the stitch marker placement AND the stitch number placement for the decrease. STOP IT!!! JUST STOP IT!!!
So I've decided to come here and write instead. Little tidbits of interesting info and things I thought would be neat to pass around:
  • Bath and Body Works are giving away little fluffy lambies with the purchase of $15 or more. I got one because I needed an excuse to go on ahead and buy my sister-in-law's Christmas present. It's gray, so cute, and is now sitting on my pillow. Hubby has said I need to name it. I've gotten as creative as "Ewie" (hah hah) and he wanted to know how I knew it was female. It's telling me to think a little more. Anyway, the lambies are really cute and if you want to spend money at BBW they are a cute little prize to snuggle.
  • The older lady who taught me how to knit's daughters friend who is an avid knitter (how many times did you have to read that to figure it out? I dare you to diagram it!) is now embarking on spinning her own wool. That isn't a dream of mine but I highly admire her for it and think it would be really neat to try. By they way, Sock Sis, did you ever figure out a way to get that wool from Pineville to Austin?
  • Hubby and I are still giggling over "Flight of the Conchords." (That's what we were watching when I decided to give up on the sweater for the night. Well, that and "Father Ted") Anyone who has off-beat senses of humor needs to watch it. Both, actually. The latter as long as you aren't offended by Catholic jokes.
  • Little Guy went down the slide at the fitness center nursery for the first time tonight by himself. He hit the bottom, wasn't sure if he should be upset or not, decided not but just wanted to lay there for a while. Also, I had to keep SuperGirl from trying to slide down and landing on top of him.
  • My neighbor is banging around in his garage loudly for some reason.
Good night and toodles to those who are still burning the midnight oil in EST. Best wishes to those who have similar issues as mine and happiness to those who have solved them.

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