Sunday, October 12, 2008

Yoke take 2

Ok, I consulted my mom and we figured out what needed to be done. She has had more experience with slanting decreases and is really good at helping brainstorm how to get something the way it is SUPPOSED to look, especially since the pattern itself couldn't figure it out. Tonight, while listening to my hubby and family-in-law gripe at the Dallas Cowboys, I stretched out on the couch and worked at my rounds, checking the turn-out. After 3 full rounds, a dirty diaper, Little Guy finding his Pawpaw's suppertime medicine, small tussles (instigated by SuperGirl, surprise, surprise), and small banter between my father-in-law, husband, and me (a small misunderstanding who liked the better beer), I came to the conclusion that our pattern WORKS!!!! The slants are working nicely, are tight enough while also being consistent, and are decreasing equally on both sides. I even worked the calculations for my gauge (I had to convert things because my gauge with the sport weight was 5 stitches per inch where the pattern called for worsted weight 4.25 stitches per inch) and I have the stitch number to aim for! Everything is looking peachy keen jelly bean and I'm so excited! [happy dance, "Let the Sunshine In" playing in the background] I'm going to work on more tonight and expect to be able to being the regular part of the yoke in around 2 days.
What we decided: Instead of the double decrease one stitch away from the marker on all and placing the marker after it (which I don't think I should have been doing anyway) I am only doing that on the stitch markers AFTER each sleeve. In other words, when facing whichever side you are working on, the marker to your right. Thus, the slant is decreasing 2 stitches on the body side. For the other marker on your left, I go until I am 2 stitches away from the marker and do a knit 3 together so again, the decrease is taking 2 stitches away on the body side. I place the marker BEFORE I do the knit 3 together so that both sides mirror each other, i.e. the stitch markers are on the inside of the decreasing stitches.
The pattern had also called for a purl before the decreasing but I didn't like the way that was looking so I left that out completely. So far it isn't an issue.


The Lorax said...

Good for you!!! And to think you were so concerned!

I still haven't heard back from my knitting buddy, but I'll email her again.

Good luck!

suzylee28 said...

Thanks! I appreciate her info anyway, just in case I hit something else on the way.