Thursday, October 30, 2008

Let down

Is there such thing as post-sweater blues? Think post-holiday blues, only about the sweater being over. I didn't think I enjoyed the sweater THAT much. I enjoyed making it for someone that I knew was excited about it and doesn't ask for much from anyone ever. For him to ask for this was an honor, but really missing the act of knitting the sweater? I'm glad I miss it because it proves to me I can take on big projects and not get burned out. Sock Sis said to her a sweater was a commitment because of how long it took but she thought since I was used to crocheting queen size bedspreads I wouldn't be fazed as much by the length of time a sweater requires.
Yesterday I worked on "Sock 0.3" so it is now "Sock 0.5" and now I'm trying to get myself psyched to actually do some work instead of creating "Sock 0.7" because I get paid to work, not to knit. Stephanie Pearl-McPhee ( has a chart of the types of knitters and one kind is the kind who always knits and wonders how they can quit their real job to paid to knit. Tempting on some days.


The Lorax said...

Just wanted to congratulate you! That is huge!

Just wanted to mention that I finally finished my socks, and I am well on my way with Little Man's Christmas present. I was reminded how much I loved the Stitch Witch's explanation of the Kitchener's Stitch on YouTube - you should check it out, especially for the introduction and the advice at the beginning.

Love you!

The Lorax said...

I'm sorry, it's knit witch. Oops. Anyway, check it out!
