Saturday, November 1, 2008

Together forever

Mr. and Mrs. Sock are now finished and living together in holy matrimony. I finished the 3 needle bind-off, took care of the ends, and they are happy and snug on my feet. SuperGirl tried them on also and I took great pictures of her wearing them. They are a little big on her (I'm a size 9 women's) to say the very least and she said they were slippery. That didn't stop her from running all over the house with them on our hardwood floors, of course. Little Guy spent the whole time trying to get the camera from me so it will be interesting to see if any of his fingers made it into the pictures.
I spent the rest of the evening finishing off our roll of film. Yes, we have been operating on 35mm technology but not anymore! As of tonight we received our Christmas gift from Mil and Phil: a digital camera, memory card, and clever little case to carry it all in. We picked it out ourselves and can't wait to try it! I'm going to read the instruction manual, once I find a way to read that and knit on my new project at the same time...
Ah, my new project. It's for the class I'm taking at our local knit shop. It's a wrap that using all different knitting stitches and techniques and as you make each block you join it to the existing ones so there isn't any sewing at the end. I don't mind sewing but it is nice to know that that step won't exist at the end and all I need to do is weave in the ends. I was looking at the color and it's more of a peacock blue than I thought. The yarn is also yummy to work with. It's also worsted and that's a nice change from the really thin yarn I was using on the #00s.
The class went well. I'm by far the youngest in there but I don't mind. I just enjoy being around other knitters and having free cups of tea that I don't have to make myself! It will meet every other Saturday and I can't wait to work on my homework!

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