Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sunday, sundae

I've finished my supper dessert and am piddling around with what to write. Still nothing exciting with the knitting going on. I finished LOLA's 1st sock which she still hasn't tried on so it is finished except for the Kitchener Stitch at the end. It's funny looking at it: it's all done except for two little double points holding 12 st. each stuck sideways at the end. I would think the sock had headgear or at least was trying to develop some sort of mouth...

Anyway, I've started on it's mate and was going along swimmingly when out of Nowhereland came the urge to work on the ClassWrap (which I've finally decided to name it) and zoom along on it's triangle-triangles, giving my poor over-stimulated brain a lesson in geometry and problem solving when I (yet again) knit and decrease the wrong side of the triangles fitting together. I did that twice before tossing it into my bag and curling up next to Hubby to take a little nap. I only dozed a little while, kiddos started swarming at the sense of someone trying to relax and decided my ladybug tape measure was the greatest thing since Max and Ruby celebrated Halloween (Nick Jr.'s little show based on the Rosemary Wells children books, if you didn't know).

The bigger thing this weekend was we've been home-improving, doing things that needed to be fixed/replaced/built for... um, maybe over several years now? We now have landscape lights that work, a motion sensor light in the backyard, Hubby can do his chin-ups in our kitchen doorway (don't worry ladies, it's only 2 brackets and it's removable when not in use), and I'm hitting him and Ph-i-l up for a little cabinet to hide in the gap where the stove/oven doesn't fit flush with the cabinets and food particles splash in and down, leaving icky bits that turn odd colors and attracts creatures I don't even want to know about. I've refused to let myself start on Hubby's LSU socks until I'm done with LOLA's (so I'll probably start them tonight), I won't start on his sweater until either of the three are done, and I found some fantastic self-patterning sock yarn for $1 a skein. Mom and I bought it all. Sorry.

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