Thursday, January 1, 2009

And now that it's a new day...

I have an interesting situation. Well, let's say I've had interesting situations for years now and it deals with New Year's Day. For as long as I can remember, my New Year's Day is never really the best day of the year. In fact, it's usually on the side as being one of the not so good days of the year and it is never like what the rest of my year becomes. Everyone says to make it your best because it sets the tone for all the other days so here is what I have to say about my year 2009 and how it is looking so far:
  1. I will be ever so patient with all my fellow men, including idiots, druggies, slackers, and just down-right mean people, even when they pass uncomfortably close to my house and children.
  2. I will knit and knit incessantly, cranking out lovely things without a care in the world and never hearing my mind say "I'm not 7" through this foot YET?!?!"
  3. I will have control over my eating habits and not claw my way out of the car trying to find a halfway decent place that is open that makes smoothies.
  4. I will accept the things I cannot change, change those that I can, and know the difference. And do it all with a smile on my face.
  5. I will not be bothered by people who don't see all I do for them and my thoughtfulness. On the other hand, I will ALWAYS see what others do for me and their thoughtfulness and not only will I do more for them, I will thank them.
  6. I will have perfect vision and trust myself to drive around town with my most precious cargo in the back seat.
  7. I will never wheedle Hubby for anything that has to do with knitting. I will save my personal hard earned money and prioritize.
  8. I will not put off till tomorrow what I can do today.
So as you can see, today was kissed good-bye happily. The only thing that was the same today as was yesterday as will be tomorrow is I love my family, I can't wait to see my friends, and I am always trying to be more thankful for what I have because most people in this world would literally give their right arm to only have my problems.

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