Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Loose ends...

All papers are in to the printers/binders and I spent the afternoon yesterday tying up all the other little projects around the house that had been neglected. My "to do" list was longer than the grocery shopping list and considering how long it takes me to pay the bills (along with the wailing and gnashing of teeth that comes with it) I was not looking forward to any of it. I did get everything done (except the bills and they are sitting in front of me right now) and called Hubby with the update. He was amused because I told him everything in bullet form like I was his personal secretary (haha, Hubby; we've discussed what my salary would be) and asked him what else needed to be done.

I dropped off the Happy Socks to the knit shop and she was excited to see them. I even found some yellow to use with the purple for Hubby's LSU socks so that was one more thing off the list. Meanwhile, at the knitting shop, I saw the elementary ed math teacher I had at LSU-S (Snakeman, she asked about you and says hi) and another teacher I had observed for several semesters in college. I almost didn't get out of there in time to dash to Targe' and finish the majority of the rest of my list.

Last night was "Biggest Loser" night (and my least favorite season) and I worked like a maniac on the Purple Skrap. I'm finally through the 15" of stockinette and have 3" of seed stitch to go. What's 3" when you've been doing 15"? That question is for the knitting muse (what did I name her? Harriet?) and hopefully I don't get so excited seeing the finish line that I don't finish. I doubt that will happen but like Snakewoman said, it's slow going at the end.

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