Thursday, December 4, 2008

Shoulda, coulda, woulda

Little Guy is crawling all over me, I'm waiting on the Terminix guy (he never goes to the right house, whether he's seeing us or the p-i-ls), and I'm trying to get psyched up for another day finishing up this project. So what do I do? Blog! Helps center my mind... or something. I think just talking about knitting gets me focused and thinking about how I can make my day pass in the most efficient way so I can justify knitting as much as I want tonight. All this when I should be:
  1. Folding laundry. (I've gotten better about that; I'm great at getting it washed, it's the folding part that eludes me and so piles of clothes swamp the bed until Hubby comes in with a desperate look and reminds me that he has nowhere to sleep and hibernating in his underwear was not what he had in mind.)
  2. Wrapping Christmas presents. (We don't have a convienent extra living room like my parents did when we were growing up where the wrapping could take over. Instead, it's been moved to be stored in my closet and stacked in Little Guy's room. Hubby reminded me that since our Christmas tree is up it would be great to have the presents too, especially since this year we don't have to worry about cats chewing up the tree and unwrapping the presents. I agreed it would be a great idea. Only there are several pairs of self-striping/self-patterning yarn that are singing sooo sweetly to be made into socks and remember: I have a Hubby hat to make. Since he's one of the reasons I need to knit he shouldn't be aggravated that the presents are still in their shopping bags, right? I know they'll be wrapped before Christmas. Plus, I know his present isn't going to be in with them so his ulterior motive is nixed.)
  3. Finishing the 2 quilts that I have in random stages. (Both tops are done, one is pinned with the backing and the batting and ready to be quilted, the other has the batting and the backing and is waiting to be pinned together. The former is a tumbling star quilt my Mom pieced for a friend of mine who I lost touch with and I finished piecing to make it bigger and the latter is a quilt top Hubby's great aunt had pieced and when she passed away no one in the family knew how to quilt/knit/crochet/craft so I received most of it (hence the random knitting supplies I have, mostly straight needles; I never have to buy straight needles again). The colors are pink and blue (baby style colors bordering on bright country, NOT my style but TOTALLY SuperGirl's) and SuperGirl needs a new bedspread so that's supposed to be for her. Aaaand I haven't quite gotten around to them. I need to. My excuse has been Mom using the quilt frame (PVC rocks!) but I had that quilt frame for several months before she needed it so that isn't justifiable. I also own 2 lap quilt frames so there really isn't any excuse. I was just going to wait for the knitting craze to abate but that isn't happening. Maybe quilt a block before knitting every night? I hate to take disciplinary action on myself, though...)

Something will work out. I can never say I have nothing to do.

The Wrap knitting class is tonight and I'm looking forward to it. I have supper planned for Hubby to cook/take care of and Mom's coming to pick me up. I finished the neverending seed stitch stripe block (one was 3 rows instead of 2 but I was not going to go back and frog it) and started the next block: 40 rows garter stitch. That seems like it would be more boring than the seed stitch but I'm not having to stay aware enough to change any colors so I can nearly turn my mind off and wake up when my 40 tally marks are notched.

I'm at the heel of my sock and am totally entranced even though I can't go any further due to me forgetting that I left the mate at the knit shop. I need to get it tonight in order to make sure I have the same number of rows in each sock. A little voice says that it's a store demo, who's going to care but I would like to know that if anyone decided to wear them they would be wearable. I can't put out mis-matched work, no matter if I've paid for it or not. I've bought mismatched work and it was aggravating. Pay it forward, ya'll.

Terminix guy is here. Gotta go.

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